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i need some general help on how to control guybrush!!!


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ok, you are all probally going to think i'm stupid, and that's fine, but HOW DO YOU CONTROL GUYBRUSH??? i just downloaded the demo of emi and i can't work out how to do stuff!!! i've played mi1 and mi2 and on that you just click and you have a little menu of stuff to choose from, but on emi where's the menu? where are your items and how do you use, open, pick up, give, ect.?

i'm totally stuck, i need some general help!!!

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Originally posted by whisper28:

ok, you are all probally going to think i'm stupid, and that's fine, but HOW DO YOU CONTROL GUYBRUSH???


You know, you should read the threads you've posted questions to... I've already answered your question in another thread... Here it is again:


Does the demo not come with a readme file?


There's no mouse control in Escape From Monkey Island; you'll have to use either the keyboard or your joystick.


  • The arrow keys are for movement.
  • Hold down Shift and use the arrow keys to run.
  • PageUp/PageDown keys can be used to scroll the dialogue/object choices (also Alt+Up Arrow Key and Alt+Down Arror Key).
  • If you use Shift in conjunction with the scroll keys above, you can Page up and down the dialogue choice.
  • E or L: Examine, Look At.
  • U: Use
  • P or + (Keypad): Pick up (with object you are not holding), Put in Inventory (with object you are holding).
  • I or Insert: Access Inventory.
  • F1: Access Main Menu.
  • O: If indoors, exits building. If outdoors, opens island map.
  • . or Delete: Skip dialogue line.
  • Esc: Exit a movie.
  • Alt+X: Exit Game.


While in the Inventory Menu:

  • Left Arrow and Right Arrow: Cycle Inventory Left/Right.
  • P or Enter or + (keypad): Select Inventory Item.
  • U: Select inventory item to Use with another inventory item (Press U again on another item to combine).
  • Esc or I: Exit Inventory Mode without selecting an item.
  • Shift+1~9: Assign item Hot Keys (Use to pull out specific items).
  • Shift+Left Arrow or Right Arrow: Speeds up inventory rotation.
  • Up Arrow or Down Arrow: Rotate Inventory 180 degrees.




Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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