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I think this game might be a little too involved with tower pushing/Rushing.


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I just played a long game and the other guy just littered the map with tower/fortress/generator combos. I mean I held off some with pumels and artillery but come one. I checked the achievements and his villager high was around 55-60. Obviously he had a great economy to pull this off but enough is enough. This will be the most dominant strategy that will be invoked in this game.


This game has potential and I understand that this is a demo and none of the tech 4 units have been seen.


How do you propose they will deal with this issue? I love this game but I dont want to keep having to spend so much time to try and break through that kind of defense to have fun.


Anyway any insight about this combo and good conversation would be appretiated.

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First, change the win option from last man standing to the other one (forgot what it was called). Then, shuttel a whole lot of guys from the leats protected side of his main base, and blow it up. That should kill him off I think, or atleast hurt him a whole lot


I do agree with you that its vry annoying if your enemies et up tons of mini-bases around the map, but people do that in most rts games:eek:

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