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opp ack eek??????Monkey Combat can anyone help!


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Is there anyone out there who can help me with monkey combat!?????? Please tell me what to do or please send me a saved game after you have completed monkey combat to jar@top-secret.co.uk


Jar! confused.gif





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You may want to print this out, because it's kind of complicated.


Okay, here's what you do:


Make two charts. one should look like this:


AA <--> BB ???

AA <--> CC ???

AA <--> DM ???

AA <--> GG ???

BB <--> CC ???

BB <--> DM ???

BB <--> GG ???

CC <--> DM ???

CC <--> GG ???

DM <--> GG ???


Note: Instead of the question marks, writes three letters: A (for Ack), C (for Chee), E (for Eek), and O (for Oop)


Go around challenging monkeys to Monkey Kombat, and watch the three sounds they makes to switch stances.


For example, if a monkey started as a Charging Chimp, said "Aak Chee Oop", and then switched to Drunken Monkey, then write "ACO" beside "CC <--> DM".


Each three-letter move will work both ways (in other words, the move used the switch between Drunken Monkey to Bobbing Baboon also works for going from Bobbing Baboon to Drunken Monkey).


The second chart should look like this


AA > ??

AA > ??

BB > ??

BB > ??

CC > ??

CC > ??

DM > ??

DM > ??

GG > ??

GG > ??


In this case, you need to the question marks could be AA, BB, CC, DM, or GG. Each stance beats two others, so watch what stances the monkeys uses to beat you and write those down.


By the time you have both charts filled, you will be ready to battle Jojo Jr. He will fight down to the last banana of health, so keep at it. And don't throw away the codes... you never know when you may need to battle another enemy with them...


Hope that helps!

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