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Stuck, yet again


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How do you find accordian. I know it has to do with boulder thing, but i can't get the bould down the middle hole (at the bottom) help please!!


I have been trying Maximmortal!!



"Monkeys...MONKEYS...It's full of the Monkeys!!"

- Otis


[This message has been edited by bandito_in_MI (edited December 30, 2000).]

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You have to master the timing. Three roots are visible on the screen. When you throw a rock down a tunnel, you should have another one picked up by the time the first rock reaches the root and makes it shake. throw the next rock down the required tunnel immediately after the root begins to shake.


Throw the first rcok in the right-hand tunnel, then pick up antoher rock, and wait until the first rock shakes a root. as soon as it does, launch the second rock down the middle tunnel. Pick up a third rock. Once the second rock has shaken a root, throw the third rock down the left-hand tunnel. Pick up a fourth rock. Once the third rock has shaken a root, throw the fourth rock in the left-hand tunnel. if done correctly, the third and fourth rocks should meet in the tunnel nexus, and they should both fall down the middle chute.


Hope that helps!



"That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen!"

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