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I got two questions....., well more like three.....


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What the heck is that monster thing that i'm carrying around all the time, The "Abomination of Nature?" It doesn't seem to have any uses. LeChuck and Ozzie didn't even want it when they took all my stuff (except for that) and sent me to Monkey Island....


And, this is probably very simple, but how do you coax that accordian from that musically inclined monkey. It's really annoying!!!


Thirdly, what does the talking monkey mean when he says that the monkeys will come at their own time?



"Monkeys...MONKEYS...It's full of the Monkeys!!"

- Otis

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Guest grannen


Those parts are not needed in the game. You got them during Daves Love-Stories.



Perhaps the monkey might consider play on something else?



You´ll find out in time.





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Guest grannen

Now think!

You are in a toy-shop and you see a playing, mechanical little monkey.

Is he playing a Grand Piano?




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