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I'm definite this is a bug (Act 2 - Bronze Hat).


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I played all the way up to the 'bronze hat' on Jumbalaya Island. I've collected the silver monkey head and the golden man. However, after trying for an eternity, I am still unable to collect the bronze hat to solve the Ultimate Insult. Yes, I talked to the tourist by the statue until I was blue in the face - to no avail. I even looked at the statue and the plaque several times thereafter, after which I went and spoke to the pirate on the beach on Knuttin Atoll. Everytime I say to the pirate, "I would like to talk some more about your father," Guybrush automatically says "I can see this is a sensitive subject, lets talk about something else." And there's nothing else to talk about, since I've already said everything else.


So you see, here I am. Angry and fatigued, i'm posting this message as a last resort for getting some help. Oh and yes, I have upgraded to v1.1 with the patch that Lucas Arts provided on their website for the game.


If anyone out there can share some relevant information regarding this dilema, please do so!


Best Regards,



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So you've talked to the tourist about EVERYTHING...


Then you should know what he said about what happened to the top of the statue, right?


Can you tell us what he said?




Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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I've tried looking at the statue, the plaque and talking to the tourist several times in many different combintions. Nothing has worked, because everytime I talk to the pirate on the beach, I can't say anything about the Bronze Hat cuz he starts crying everytime I mention his father. Hence its a dead end. If anyone out there has a saved game they can e-mail me that is just after this point in the game, I would appreciate it. bad***@pacbell.net



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seb: Until you can answer my question, you have not found out everything that you need from the tourist. If you can answer my question, then you should also be able to talk to Jumbeaux about his father.



Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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Guest grannen


Have You REALLY discussed everything with the tourist? I´m sure You have something in You possession You can talk about.





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the tourist by the statue noted that the bronze hat could have been from the statue of La Feet. he said that was his best guess, that the bronze hat matched the one that was stolen from the statue. oh and like i said, i've been over this SEVERAL times with the tourist and it hasn't gotten me anywhere with the pirate on the beach.


hence i assume its a bug of some sort.


oh and my email is b-a-d-a-z-z@pacbell.net, without the -'s.



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You have to talk to the parrots! And then go with what they say from there, however, you must figure out if they are lying. Then, when you have no more info to go on while in the beach you must get the parrots to you somehow. Do you have something in your possession that could help?




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