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Ok, in Act 3, I can't seem to get to the other half of the island...


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I've explored the left half of the island and found a grand total of 3 objects that I can pick up(coconut and 2 notes). I've thrown the boulders in the crazy canals in the side of the cliff, and taken the matrimonial lava ride. Without giving too much away, can someone give me a hint about crossing the lava? I think it's something to do with the bridge I see on the lava ride, but when I try to get him to use the bridge, he just says something like "I could WALK across it." This may be silly, but I can't seem to figure out how to do so. Thanks for any hints! (Not walkthroughs, just suggestions...)

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I've thrown boulders multiple times, and twice the boulders went down cool ramps and one landed on the beach near Timmy (but didn't squish him) and the other landed in the canyon. I've thrown boulders in all 3 slots, but I've only seen two go in ramps. Hmmm, should I try that again until I get a third boulder to go down a ramp? Oh, I finally found the banana picker (I have a bug which is a fuzzy corner of the screen and I barely see the picker, I managed to see the red letters show up or I wouldn't have ever seen it) and picked bananas and gave one to Timmy. Is he going to helpful somewhere? He sure isn't much help in the mine shaft.

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Guest grannen

It´s tricky not to give away too much re boulders, but if you start to throw a boulder in the canal to the right - then watch carefully what happens when you see it rolling.

Perhaps you should do something at a special moment?


Re monkey.

You bribed him so he followed you, didn´t you?




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Yes, I bribed the monkey. I bribed him again to get him to enter the shaft, but he wouldn't do anything with the portal/vent. I may be on the wrong track with the metal door, but I do know that I need something to open it that I don't currently have. Ok, will play with the boulders again, and yes, I did notice it slow down....

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