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Stock Maps


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It might be I never dl'd it


Since it is possibe how would you do it?

If you already know the basics on SWBF2 modding than you should understand this, *** stands for your world name:


1. Create a world

2. Copy all the shipped scripts (if you want a side mod for all the shipped maps) and put them in with your mod scripts (from assets/scripts to data_***/common/scripts/***). You may delete your old scripts if you want.

3. Open up the mission (with notepad) and at the where it says this:















Add the names of all of the shipped maps (these are also the names of the lua's you just copied. You may also want to delete your old lvl's names. This is the mission lvl that loads your level and stores all their information and game modes, eras, etc.


c=Clone Wars

g=Galactic Civil War

ctf=2-flag of ctf

1 flag=1 flag

and so on....


4. You probably already know how to create your own side and load them in your lua's, if you don't than read the "BF2 jedi Creation" in the Docs. Skip...


5. Now to add multiple units the "right" and "proper" way is to go into your data_***/common/scripts and open the "setup_teams" lua file and at this part:


local typeList = { "soldier", "pilot", "assault", "sniper", "marine", "engineer", "officer", "special" }


add the names of your extra units, (examples: extra1, extra2, etc). Make sure all your lines and brackets are in place just like it was so it looks like it fits there (remember to leave a space at the end.


6. Go into your lua folder where all your lua's are (common/scripts/***) and open your each lua and add in your extra(s) for each team underneath "special". There are many ways to add extra units but this is the "proper" way.after you've added your sides to the lua's munge it and it should work. Also go into your addon/***/data/_LVL_PC/and copy that mission.lvl to your main directory and your custom sides to your main directory. If you want it just to be an addon mod than you will have t put "dc:" before your sides, etc like this:




If you dint understand this than you need to read/reread the SWBF2 Docs. Anymore questions can be asked at GameToast.com and you can also read a lot of tutorials about SWBF2 modding here. SWBF2 modding is not easy! I got to get to bed, hope you understood this.


-Delta 47

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another question.. is it possible to make more units on the field at a time for the stock maps. maybe change the sides from 32 to like 100?


i know how to do it on user made maps with the scripts and stuff but it sais after you change a map you have to munge it for it to happen in game and you cant munge the stock maps in C:\BF2_ModTools\assets\worlds\***\world

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another question.. is it possible to make more units on the field at a time for the stock maps. maybe change the sides from 32 to like 100?


i know how to do it on user made maps with the scripts and stuff but it sais after you change a map you have to munge it for it to happen in game and you cant munge the stock maps in C:\BF2_ModTools\assets\worlds\***\world

You don't edit any of the shipped assets. If you copied all the shipped scripts over to where your mod scripts are than you open those scripts and increase the reinforcements just like you would do with your mod map except edit the shipped scripts that you copied.
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