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Monkey Madness!!!!


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I know this has nuthing to do with emi but i thourgt i would ask anyway.

I own monkey a game called monkey island madness and it has mi1 mi2 and the demo for cmi, mi1 and cmi work fine, except number 2 the sound doesnt work and there are no sound options!

can any1 help me puhhleaseeeeeeeee!!!



King Skater!!!

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The original, I mean, the one that came on floppies worked when started as:


monkey2.exe sb


I don't remember the executable name, so change monkey2.exe for the name of the exe file.

sb stands for Sound Blaster & compatibles.


Try starting the program that way. But since it has been prepared to work on CD it may not work. But it's worth a try.




I finished them all.


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