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Anakin Ep.3 Hilt K1

Gawky Goat

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Hi, this is my first time posting on these forums and i had a question. My question is, would it be possible to make this

hilt with a blue lightsaber for Kotor 1? I have used the search and did not find what I wanted and many of the links I clicked to pc game mods did not work. I have that Anakin hilt/cyan blade currently installed along with the movie style replacment hilts mod and I don't care if I lose the Obi hilt I just want the Anakin hilt for the blue lightsabers.


Thanks for any help


*Edit* Actually never mind, I found a way around this. I just edited the color using this mod:


and it works perfectly, but the only drawback is that you don't have the cyan color for the saber anymore. But anyways great mod. Also if you have both mods, you can have a blue Anakin lightsaber and a blue Obi-Wan lightsaber both from ROTS.

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