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What you hate and Love about the Legacy comics


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I've seen someone complain that the Legacy comics steals ideas from other eras, but its got some unique stuff and all the other eras steal ideas from other eras as well.


What I don't like about the Legacy comics are things like bringing characters from the clone wars back 140 years later. I like how they brought the Empire back, it brings back a classic Star Wars feel with the Empire and the Rebellion.

I also like Roan Fel's empire and the Imperial Knights which are obviously a cross between Jedi and Palpatine's Imperial Guard. Not sure whether I like Cade Skywalker or not, he seems like a cross between Anakin Skywalker and Quinlin Vos, with a noticable simlarity between their clothing, but also their dark personalities.


What does everyone else think about the comics?

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