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I Have Been Treated Unfairly.

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

What the (ok, for all your pitiful sakes, i won't swear) do you all call SPAM? I was on topic in EVERY one of those replies, well, maybe not 5 of them, but still, that was totally uncalled for changing my post count. and i'm betting this topic will end up being closed for no reason at all. just to keep everyone from getting suspicious or something. hehehehe

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Guest DS_StarViper

yeah rank or post count doesn't matter to me either for I wanted my rank to be changed to spammer but rhett wouldn't have it

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Guest Boba Rhett

How could you even possibly argue that what you did wasn't spam? Maybe that crap is acceptable over at rs.net but it isn't here. For you who don't know what happened, He posted multiple times on every post in the off-topic forum. One right after another and most of them were crap. I didn't delete the ones that he made that actually pertained to the thread.


And btw, I'm not the one who gave out your real name.

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Guest Rogue15

i NEVER replied to myself tho!!!!! u gotta give me credit for THAT!


and i didn't spam. would u like me to put 20 words or more in EVERY reply i make?


It's like the moment i arrived in these forums, every one of you mods come full force at me, when i didn't do anything.


FINE THEN. Let me give u a 5 minute demonstration of what SPAM really is.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Rogue15

I think someone should ban rhett for giving out my real name.


I'm the one who gave out your name, LOUIS! But i still don't know your last name, or where you live.


Anyways, take your invasion elsewhere (like gamefaqs or something). You don't want to be around here doing this when Leon gets back on the 16th. Trust me.

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Guest Rogue15

ya, whatever. this wasn't about any invasion. it was originally about getting roguesquadron.net upgraded. Then I got falsely accused about spamming (little stuff, maybe like 10 things, each in different topics) and so i decided to show j00 411 what spamming is all about. ok, i'm sorry i ever showed u the true nature of the spam. If u RHETT would've taken the time to ask me to please delete those topics, i would have, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO u had to go and close them so i could NOT delete them. So, how are u all going to ban me? my username? ip?

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Guest Rogue15

hey tie guy, good suggestion, i need more recruits for roguesquadron.net anyways! *flies off to gamefaqs.com*


Be back on the 16th to die like a man. :D

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Guest Rogue15

even if i don't get banned, i'll never intentionally 'spam' again.


man, u peoples get mad so easily. you don't even look at the problem thoroughly b4 taking the necessary steps to get rid of it.

just because i spammed the forums for like, 5 minutes (yes, i timed it), doesn't mean i'll spam them again.

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Guest Gamma732

I'm totally for giving people second chances, but should you spam again, I'll bring your little promise back up and mention how long you went without spamming.

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Guest DS_StarViper

hey tie guy why dont u go to gamefags.com that would be your fav place to be I bet and rhett up yours u can go to hell

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Oh cut it out!:mad: :mad: :mad: What in god's name did he do to you?! He's trying to make this forum LOOK GOOD!!! It has and I hope it won't turn into a Red Alert2 forum. Rouge15, go to the Red Alert2 forums. There, it's spam heaven. SPAM ALL YOU WANT THERE. THEY DON'T CARE BUT HERE, WE CARE!!!:mad: :mad: :mad::swear: :swear:

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