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Mystes O' Tyme help


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Write down somewhere exactly what happens and in what order the first time you speak to yourself. Then try to replay it! You usually have to use the key with yourself first, work from there! Enjoy smile.gif

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Do what KT said, but also follow these directions.


Make sure you copy down EXACTLY what the Guybrush says and gives you IN ORDER!


And don't shoot him or leave without opening the gate! If he says, "NO way, I'm not opening the gate! It's probly Pegnose Pete disguised as me again!" ask the future Guybrush what number your thinking of right now. COPY THAT DOWN TOO!


After that, give him the stuff in order, yadda yadda yadda. Look at the time. Follow the directions and it should lead you somewhere!



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Guest grannen

You are not going to use any of the items you get except for the key

Do as I. Cheese suggests.






[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited January 04, 2001).]

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I kind of have a problem with this Mystes of Tyme thing. I've talked to the future "me" and when I see myself again a second time (probably the past 'me') I choose <<Talk to Guybrush>> but all my character does is stick his pole in the water and just stand there.


I've tried opening the gate by myself so that I get the message that I can't reach the keyhole from my side so I need help from someone 'else'. Then I try talking to the Past Guybrush but all my character does is still planting his pole in the water.


What the?

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in reply to Jaan's problem-if Guybrush keeps putting his stick in the water & wont open the inventory in the swamp-you need to download the 1.1 patch from lucas arts site. Then you also need to disable the joystick & controller options in the option menu, even if you dont have a joystick connected. That did the trick for me.

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