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[TSL] Telos Restoration Help *possible spoilers*


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There is a weird problem on the Telos Restoration part for me. After the shuttle cutscenes play, the whole screen goes black. I am able to call up the menu, save a file, and re-load it, but when I do, Bao-Dur isn't there. Some enemies will fight, but most of them don't notice me and won't fight. Any help would be appreciated.

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One solution I used was to use a cheat mod to add Bao-Dur to my party. This enabled me to play through the level without issue, though some enemies did not notice me or even turn hostile. I successfully completed the entire game without issue; the only bug that remained was that the remote would not come with Bao-Dur when I had him in my party.


You can find that cheat here.


- Star Admiral

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