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I have finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How are those Jerky Pretzels this time of year? I'd like to try 'em.


OK, on to my problem.


I already ordered the Monkey Mug, and sat down with it. I didn't have a clue what to do with it, so I stood up. But then, Elayne the waitress came and picked it up! I can't get it back, now that I know to glue the brochure to it!




Try some cheese on those jerky pretzels, tell me if they're good!

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What do I do after I've put the termites on Ozzie's cane?


I hav finished the game so feel free to ask me anythin and i will reply to your messages 6:00pm onwards next Monday

Sorry for the inconvenience!


See ya later monkeys!!!!!!!![/b]



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Originally posted by gvendur:

What do I do after I've put the termites on Ozzie's cane?


ok this is how it goes after you have put the termites on ozzies stick you go back to his mansion and tell him you saw him with pegnose pete then when he goes to check the booty follow him and go down the hidden passage you then should know what do to if you dont just post a new msg hope it helps



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