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How many times have you posted this exact same message?


If somone has a question, they'll post to the appropriate forum, or seek out one of the many available walkthroughs on the net.


While it may be a nice gesture to offer your services, you're just taking up more space with such posts unnecessarily.


Instead of doing that, why not concentrate on actually reading the forums and actively supply help to those who need them, instead of passively asking them to e-mail you?




Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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yes, if uve noticed, this is the same question in another topic but just in case...


I need help where u have to out dive pollo. I have put the bagle crap into the bottle, used the DUNCE cap, and successfully copied pollos moves but i still get a 2-0 from the judge on the left. What more do i have to do?


Thankx for the help

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Guest nathanism666



you need to bribe him, but you can't afford to match ozzie's bribe, so look for another way.

hint: its blackmale orientated. where would the judge have to live on that island. the judges wife has red hair




the puppeter used to be the worst pirate to roam the oceans right, but now he's just an old, frail man. how do you think he got like this, use this fact to scare him off.

hint: it'll cum from your inventory

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Originally posted by TBD_FUNKMAN:


i know that it may have been a problem but i love helping people with these games


Well, let's see. At the time of this posting, you've posted 25 message the these forums.


And the total number of times where you've actually posted a helpful hint/clue to someone who's having problems with the game? Once.


How 'bout actually posting message that HELP people, instead of proclaiming that you can answer any question, but never answering them? And if you know everything, why haven't you answered biffo's question in this thread that you started?



Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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