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What a ****in' bug!!!! on monkey combat


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I have arrived on the last combat with lechuck.... but there was a ****ing bug on my game (I play on french version (that explain my terrible english ;-)and this version is really bugged...) and my computer bug and I have to restart...


So I have wrote all that I have too know for the Monkey combat... and my last save was when I have to fight the leader monker (the monkey with the hat)

he say that I have to fight whit other monkeys... but I win a lot of time whit the monkey ('cause now, I know all the reply for the attack from my old game that i haveb't saved....


What do I have really too have done too fight with the monkey leader? I have win 3 or 4 combat ,and it's not enought.

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I don't think it's enough that you've beaten three or four different monkeys. Each of the monkeys varies in level of difficulty. I believe the order of difficulty from easy to hard is Timid Monkey,Smelly Monkey,Strapping Monkey and Brawny Monkey. After you are able to seek out and defeat the Brawny Monkey, you should be able to face Jojo Jr.



People ask me how I stay youthful. I tell them I have the heart of a young boy...and that I keep it in a jar on my desk.

-----Stephen King

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