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How do I open the gate in the swamp?


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How do I open the gate in the swamp? I have the clock and I have talked to the chess players. I have made the perfume and have sprayed it on dave and he just says it smells like swamp, flowers and wood. I also tried to get him to smell the handkerchief and he said it wasnt strong enough. I have seen in previous posts that I should reload a previous game and I tried it and it didnt work. HELP!!!! Oh yeah and I have not been able to get the directions to the gate but have found it many times by myself. Do I have to get the directions in order for this to work?

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You must have the directions from the Palace of Protheses to get to Pegnose Pete's House. Sure, you can get to the gate yourself, but you have to do it in the right combination of directions to proceed with the game.


[This message has been edited by Dinghy Dog (edited January 22, 2001).]

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