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Giant Monkey Head

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Guest grannen

Don't go near the Q-tip!

A bug locks the program if you come too close and you don't need the Q-tip.



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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Grannen: The Q-Tip doesn't freeze the game for everybody, just like not everybody experienced other bugs that have been reported. In my game, I went very close to the Q-Tip, looked at it, tried to pick it up, and my game didn't freeze. My guess is that most people don't have a problem withe the Q-Tip, as I haven't seen it reported that many times.


Dynasty: Have you gotten the Milk Bottle yet? If not, you'll need to pick that up. If you have, have you tried to get Herman to recover all of his memory yet? He seems to be the only person who might have an idea on how you might be able to Escape From Monkey Island™...




Dancing_Monkey.gif Fine, judge all you want, but... "Left a man at the altar"; "Married a lesbian"; "Fell in love with a gay ice dancer"; "Threw a girl's wooden leg in the fire"; "Live in a box"!

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