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HK-47 Assassin Storyline (K1)


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heres my idea.

when you repair HK-47 in the Ebon Hawk, he tells you more of his lost memory of all the people hes assassinated. now, because HK is absolutely awesome, this has lead me to want to play as him and do the assissinations. can anyone put a cut screen or something when you repair Hk, so that you can play as him, and need to complete a mini bounty hunter type quest to kill HK's objective? a bit like this below:

* You use your Repair Skill to repair HK.

* HK tells you about the last master and assassination he can remember.

-a cut screen/loading screen occurs-

* you are palying as HK, get the orders from your master, and proceed to assassinate your objective.

-when completed, another loading screen appears.-

you get the normal PC and screen back, and it says at the bottom what buffs HK has just obtained.


anyone up to doing this? i dont mind about whole new maps etc, hopefully you can use the ones already ingame. thankyou!

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