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those pesky boulders


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The boulders on the beach (parrots) don't show up as an item to be interacted with on my game. I had the idea to use the puppets to get the guy to shoot at me, but he won't take them out. Is the fact that the boulders don't appear in the action menu at the bottom of the screen a bug in the game, or what specifically do I have to do to get the hat.

p.s. I am quite sure I have the correct boulder located.


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Guest grannen

Have you asked the parrots about the right boulder?



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited January 29, 2001).]

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During your visits to the various shops on Lucre Island, you should have picked up something that was strong enough to "stun (forgot the exact word, but I think this is close enough) a parrot", thereby making it possible for you to actually see a difference between the parrots when you talk to them...


When you find the right boulder, you will know with absolute, 100% certainty, that you are at the right boulder. "Quite sure" is not 100%...



Dancing_Monkey.gif Fine, judge all you want, but... "Left a man at the altar"; "Married a lesbian"; "Fell in love with a gay ice dancer"; "Threw a girl's wooden leg in the fire"; "Live in a box"!


[This message has been edited by brief (edited January 29, 2001).]

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