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K1: Overall Ranged Weapon Boost?


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I'm personally a big fan of using guns with a jedi. Something about lightsabers just gets boring after a while, so I like to switch it up. In my latest game, I decided to go with a Heavy Weapons expert. Upon seeing Bastila's lightsaber on Taris, it finally dawned on my how powerful melee weapons tend to be compared to ranged weapons (absurdly so for lightsabers).


1d8 for a blaster rifle? Vibro Blade has the same damage, and it's physical damage isn't affected by energy shields. (not to mention you get two upgradable ones on Taris) It just seems unbalanced. Other factors aside, I'm thinking a simple +1 damage on pistols, +2 damage on rifles would balance things out a bit. It'd make blasters an actual threat. Only +1 on pistols, because dual-wielding would even out the damage boost.


Another problem I've got related to ranged weapons is that Heavy Weapons don't seem to actually do anything different. The Light Repeating Blaster is basically just a Blaster Rifle that costs twice as much. I'm not really sure how doable this request is, but perhaps add an extra attack to Heavy Weapons without giving them a damage bonus, since their whole gimmick seems to have been intended to be putting more ammo in the crossfire at the penalty of being expensive and less common. While they do this quite well aesthetically, it doesn't actually do anything but make it look like the characters have terrible aim as 3/4 of the bolts miss completely.


I'd love to do it, but my modding skills are non-existent.


TL;DR version: Requesting +1 damage to pistols and +2 damage to rifles, and an extra attack with heavy weapons if possible.

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I'm not sure how to add an extra attack with heavy weapons, but adding a damage bonus to pistols/rifles is an easy edit in the baseitems.2da file.


Here it is. +1 damage to all pistols, +2 to all rifles, and +3 to all repeating files. Drop it into your Override folder to use it. Let me know if there is a mod conflict.


- Star Admiral

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