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Vote Clefo.. Just because I said so..


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I did annouce my candidacy for Senate awhile ago and now I'm just confirming it... Vote for me..


EDIT: Here is why you should vote for me:


- I've been here since the second day of this forum so I know its ropes..


- I helped create the Dark Star Alliance, and we are making progress toward elitehood


-There is maybe only one person (Viper) who really hates me, other than that I am a very well liked member on this forum


-I don't spam


-I orginized a GB.com Fantasy Football League,so I can help arragne tourniments.


-I was orginizing a JK tourniment but that just fell through..


So come this election day make sure your ballot has a check for the Clefster...

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Guest DarkTrooper

being a good player at a game doesnt mean u should be in the senate. when i am elected to senate i wont get pissed off at u unless u piss me off.

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