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Guardians of Light (EU Republic Guild)

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Hello one and all!


We are the Guardians of Light, an EU guild that will be working for the Republic to help free them from the tyranny of the Sith Empire. To that end, we will be forming a strong community where you will feel that you have the combined strength and support of many to watch your back at anytime.


Regardless of if you like PvE, PvP and RP or anything in between we are the choice for you. You will always have friendly and helpful guild members around but not only that but a community site that is second to none if you need to find out some information about the game.


With that in mind, the guild community site has undergone a serious re-work to help make things clearer and easier to find things while giving more options on the forums also.


Until the game goes live though, this is all about having fun and making friends while waiting for what will hopefully be a great game! So feel free to come on down and say hello! Even if you're a member already of another guild, come over to our public forum area and introduce yourself. The better our community is together and talking with each other by the time the game goes live, the better it will be for all of us.


Take care everyone and we look forward to meeting you.


Eternally Yours,


Master Apollo

~ Community Manager for Guardians of Light ~


Visit us now at: http://guardiansoflight.guildportal.com

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