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Guardians of Light ~ Community Podcast!

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Welcome one and all to the Guardians of Light community podcast!


In this we discuss news about the guild and the game and also what the guild has been discussing on the forums. So listen now and enjoy!


To access this podcast, you can either visit our podcast site which is: http://guardiansoflight.podbean.com/


You can also subscribe to the podcast on itunes: itpc://guardiansoflight.podbean.com/feed

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Welcome to the first podcast from Guardians of Light!


This week Master Apollo (myself!) provides a summary of a week in the guild, discussing news and popular topics of discussion on the forums.


To access this podcast, you can either visit our podcast site which is: http://guardiansoflight.podbean.com/


You can also subscribe to the podcast on itunes: itpc://guardiansoflight.podbean.com/feed


Equally, you can download the podcast directly by clicking here.



News this week


  • New Guild Website!
  • Trooper Class talk
  • Threat of Peace information
  • Looking to Friday ~ what's possibly being released
  • Forum discussion topics

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Welcome one and all the Guardians of Light: podcast 2!


In this we discuss news about the guild and the game and also what the guild has been discussing on the forums.


This week we have a special interview with one of the guild founders: 8700-Ralf!!!


So listen now and enjoy!


To access this podcast, you can either visit our podcast site which is: http://guardiansoflight.podbean.com/


You can also subscribe to the podcast on itunes: http://itpc://guardiansoflight.podbean.com/feed


Equally, you can download the podcast directly by clicking here.

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