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RPG Destiny is a roleplaying community in the Jedi Academy game. We run JA+ mod on our server which can also be foudn on the site. it is not required to download and install the mod to join the server, but it is recommended.


We have an admin staff which makes plots and events on the server, we serve the members of the RPG community.


We have our own timeline which started 200 years AFTER the death of Darth Vader, which means cannon characters like Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn, and the Skywalker family are gone. Which allows us to make our own story and characters. The timeline can be foudn here http://s13.zetaboards.com/RPG_Destiny/topic/465946/1/#new.


To say the current timeline short, the Empire has reemerged, under the control of the sith. The Jedi are few and onyl few have survived. A neutral faction called The Tarisian Commonwealth, which has its capital on Taris and severla other planets under their control, is hoping to avoid War with the Empire. There are many rebellious sub groups.


The Hutt Empire has emerged aswell, and is at war with the Tarisian Commonwealth.


For more questions, dont hesitate to ask me on these forums or on RPG Destiny forums.

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