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Jedi ForceDie


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I was searching the net for info on different jedi classes, but it seems most people just copy paste info, so all pages contain the same senseless info. "Jedi Consulars get 8 force points per level." Yes, thank you very much, I can look up this myself in classes.2da. But why do I then get 15 force points per level?


After some testing I found out that you actually get 8+Wis modifier+Char modifier force points per lvl. So if you start the game with a consular wis 18/char 16, you get 8+4+3=15 force points per lvl.


But why Charisma? I mean, Wis is the cleric's defining attribute, so I can understand why your Wis modifier is added when force points per lvl are calculated, but charisma?!

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If your talking K2, it may be because Charisma increases your influence with your companions, and the higher your influence with your companions the more Force energy you siphon from them. Ask Lord of Hunger, he knows all about this kind of stuff (Force influences and Force Vampirism).

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