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Stuck in Swamp!


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I think I have the right directions from Dave(the times match the clock)but still I don't make any progress!At 2.55W I find my double a first time (and here for some reason sometimes the gate will open when I use the key he gives me and then my double comes thru,other times the key won't work and I get the message"No way it's probably pegnose in disguise on the other side" or something like that!)then i go west as requested follow 12.15W then 4.15W to bump into Guybrush a second time only this time I'm on the other side of the gate. I repeat same actions give key-gun etc in same order as before only to find that my double then just goes and I stay there on other side of gate with nothing!Time then says 3.35S but I can't go south anyway being on the other side of gate!I have tried to move in all directions from there still, but I just get lost and times don't match anymore!HELP PLEASE!!!

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The first time you meet you (when you're on the S side of the gate) Guybrush won't open the gate because he think the person on the other side isn't really you (can you still follow me?). You gotta convince Guybrush that person is really himself by asking a question only he would know...




I know it's a little confusing, but never mind

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The first time you meet you (when you're on the S side of the gate) Guybrush won't open the gate because he think the person on the other side isn't really you (can you still follow me?). You gotta convince Guybrush that person is really himself by asking a question only he would know...




I know it's a little confusing, but never mind

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thanks for your replies but i have asked the question about number i'm thinking of anyway i'll try again.Einstein when i meet guybrush the 2nd time i can't open the gate as i give him the key and he goes away towards the west!and i'm just left on the other side with no key or rope etc left!at the beginning of swamp i start at 1.55E is this correct? the only time i never found is 4.05W.

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When you meet Guybrush the first time, there is a certain order in which things take place. Try to remember what he says, what he gives, in what order, etc. Then when you meet Guybrush the second time, do everything in the same order that it was done the first time. Does this make any sense? smile.gif

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