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Swamped (Ahem) With problems.


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Having stolen the clock and got the directions to pegnose pete's house, I arrive there to find I can't get in. I've been stuck on this for a while now and id appreciate a little help.


In my inventory:

Prosthetic Skin

Prosthetic Hand

Prosthetic Heart

Prosthetic Feet

Prosthetic Guts

Prosthetic Liver

Prosthetic Head

Prosthetic Stomach (What do i do with these? Do I have them all?)

Eau De Lechuck

Pegnose Pete Perfume


Music Box



Chicken Grease

And some other things I've forgotten.

Any help greatly appreciated. (Banana rewards as required... [:p])




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Are you sure you have the right directions?


When you say "there," where exactly do you mean? If you have the right directions, you should see someone when you arrive at the locked gate....




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Guest grannen

A certain type of bird once bite Pegnose so he lost his nose. Obviously he is very afraid to meet such a bird again!

Seems something is missing in your inventory.




Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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i.e. A certain bird that is lingering outside a certain "Bait Shoppe".

However, all my attempts to grab said bird thus far have failed. I had assumed that you either a) Could not grab the bird, or b) It's vital to PNP, and must be nabbed, but no matter what I cannot grab the aviatic fiend...

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Guest grannen

Re the Prosthetic items.

Only one is needed but you can U-se the other ones if you are a body builder!



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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Originally posted by The_Hunter:

Arrived at pegnose pete's house would imply I have arrived there would it not? That is, I am outside the front door, with the rum bottle and fish bucket nearby.


You'd be surprise at what some people presume to be "at the right place"... Since you weren't very descriptive in your original post, there's no sure way for us to know if you've actually arrived to the right place, or only think that you have.




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