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please help !!!! Iam stucked in Act I !!


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I am sutcked !! at the part when i give the inspector the loot and the tiny screw !!

He says is not enough evidence with the screw, that i need the actual nose !!!

I've searched averywhere and still cant find the nose, what should I do?!?!?!

Any help will....help !

Thanks !

Hey, by the way this is cool, i mean so many people fan of MI, like me...

ok thats all, please heeeelp !!!


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Guest Dr._Threepwood

hehehehehe monyey. Ah the bank closed how am I suppose to get my money out and I think Ileft something imposrtat in there oh no what shall I do


Hope my weird hint helps


[This message has been edited by Dr._Threepwood (edited February 23, 2001).]

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Originally posted by Praetor:

It Helped ! thanks por the hint


Your welcome and if u need more help don't b afraid 2 ask

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