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The Monkeys are Listening

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hi, i'm having troubles in the game of game of escape of monkey island.

in the jambalaya island I can't win marco de pollo ,the grounchy and old and wise judge already give 10 points , I've got the dunce cap and I know that I need it to the dive .

oh!and I have already put that gross cake in the baby seal oil.Would you please answer me writing the solution of winning marco de pollo. Hope you can help me ,if you can't thanks anyway! Madalena



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I'm in the shop with the blind dude. I play the music box for him, and go run over to the basket of arms and legs and whatever. It gives me two options, look at the leg or look at the hand. But, it won't let me switch to 'look at the hand' so I can pick it up. What should I do?

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