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Question for those who played demo

Guest Viola_Smurf

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Guest Viola_Smurf

I didn't download the demo because I have 33,6k modem so it would take alot of time for me to download it.However I looked around this forum and other forums alot and downloaded alot of pictures from the game and tech tree pictures for all the races.


I am very suprissed to see that in tech tree from the pictures I saw every race can reserch all basic technical upgrades from blacksmith(AOK equvalent).So question is thiss.Are the basic values like attack,range,defence the same for all trooper units and all mechs.


For example does stormtrooper have the same marks as battle dorid or Gungan trooper without upgrades?

And does mechs lik Wokiee KAs Tanks,At-AT or droid tanks have the same basic marks or are thier marks different a little from the start.From what I saw blaksmith upgrades won't make difference at all for the races.They will just need resources to be reserached.I really hope they didn'tput the same values for all races mech lines or the same value for all races trooper lines.

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Guest Maul403

for your modem part just start downloadin it b4 u go to bed..itll be done in the morning


about troopers and mechs in the next paragraph the anwser is yes..they just look different...BUT somecivs are more strong in an area than other civs..some things cost more..cost less...all civs have a unique unit and at least one unique tech. that no one else can research...the empire has two techs...and then take for example aircraft..only the rebels and naboo get shields for all their fighters..the rebels get a farming bonus..the feds. arent as good as collecting carbon....but the wookies are


and btw ur just looking in the war center/blacksmith...you can research stuff at every building but a house just about

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Guest Darth_Nixon42

Well my good Viola_Smurf,


I would agree that most of the races can upgrade the basic technologies from the "black-smith" but consider this


- this is still the beta version (possible for change)


-The demo only lets get to tech level 3, which is a bit home O


-I dont know about n e body else, but i havent tried the other races out so i couldn't say how they performed.


And in asnwer yes, the :atat: has the same stats as a KA tank, AAT's (mech tanks), at the basic ground level,.... But on carefull inspection of the tech tree it is clear that the empire will have far supurior mechs to say, the naboo, because they get basically all the upgrades; where as the naboo don't


Hope i helped :p

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