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Hijata Fix

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This mod makes Hijata use the dialogue Bioware originally created for him.




Hijata Fix

By Time Lord

Hijata is one of the named NPC's in the Sith academy on Korriban. What's weird is that he doesn't have any unique dialogue. So I decided to
look through the dialogue files to see if he was meant to have unique dialogue. I found that he was supposed to have unique dialogue it's just
Bioware pointed to the wrong dialogue file in his .utc file. The dialogue shows that he is another prospective student.

I only learned of this bug while looking at random things on wookieepedia.
There is also a compatibility file for Shem's Robes for Korriban Sith Students.

Just extract the files into your Override folder.

None that I know of

If you want to use this mod in any of your mods PM me at LucasForums (I have the same username there as well)

Fred Tetra for KotOR tool
tk102 for DLGEditor
Shem for allowing me to edit one of his mod's files to ensure compatibility.

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