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recruit npc...


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wasnt too sure where to put this, i tried to use the "recruit npc in under 10 steps" tutorial, but i just started getting confused, and then my head started to hurt.



i basically want to stick a twi'lik (or some other dodgy looking alien) in the dantooine courtyard (i've got the "make carth a jedi" mod installed and i want the twi'lik pretty much next to that npc) and i want him to be selling a droid, the same one that guards the sandal/matale enclaves.


the conversation will pretty much go like this "buy my droid-how much-4000-ill give you t3-t3+2000-[force persaude] ill give you t3 and you'll give me the battle droid plus 2000credits-ok" easy peasy?


cept i think i've had too many red bulls and every time i readt that tutorial i get lost, i'd like to do the mod myself, i just kinda need help?


any help greatly appreciated. thanks =]].



[edit] i have just this minute noticed that when i save my .dlg file (creating it in kotor tool) and come to re-open it, it opens as a blank document, any ideas why? thanks again.



[edit2] having switched the tools i was using, i'm pretty sure i made everything except the "goodbye"script, but my npc wont spawn? i linked the spawn script to the dialouge, as suggested by darth333 in another thread i saw, but still nothing, i even borrowed the spawn script from another persons mod, and changed the cordinates and the name and stuff, but still nothing, i can give any details needed to see where i am going wrong.



p.s. sorry to be a total noob, i just seem to suck at this and i really want this to work, cos i think i have some good ideas to bring to the mod scene.



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i think that picture includes everything, i may have missed something in that, but i dont think i did, if anyone notices where i went wrong, its probably something really obvious that ive over looked.


thanks in advance.

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To spawn the twi'lek when you enter the module, use the following script.


void main() {
if( GetObjectByTag( "merchant" ) == OBJECT_INVALID )
  object oNPC = CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "merchant", Location( Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), 0.0 ) );
ExecuteScript( "old_k_pdan_14a_area", OBJECT_SELF );


Compile and save it as k_pdan_14a_area. Be sure to first replace the "merchant" with the tag of your own merchant character and all the 0.0s with the coordinates of where you want the merchant to be. Use KT to extract the original k_pdan_14a_area script and rename it to old_k_pdan_14a_area. Drop both into your Override folder and see if it works.


- Star Admiral

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something truely awesome, but unexpected, happened.


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i think i know why though...it might be the spawning script?


Edit: ok so i fixed that


now this happens =[


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if thats not clear at all, t3 is sposed to be dustil, but he's nothing? would this be because i warped from the spire to dantooine? (i didnt get t3)


sorry for double posting.


[edit] ok so i fixed that problem, but when one is fixed three more seem to arrive ¬_¬, there are now LOADS of the npc, all just standing around the same area, the pc when relativly close to the npc has a tendancy to jump all over the place, the npc is equiped with a weird clothing type (simple inventory fix?) and when he's in my party on the level up screen half of him is gone, like he's been moved down 3 feet (assuming he's about 5ft11)...ok so 4 problems...am i just doomed to fail? [/edit]

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