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ill say this one time......


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Alot of you complain about Flight things and dogfighting in GB. Well in case you didnt hear what gabor said, it was "Getting flying units into the game was our HARDEST challenge, and we are very proud of integrating it into an engine that was based on technology that would not support it." So even if the flight isnt the best, be thankful you even have it in the first place. and stop flaming people because its the hard work gabors team put into it to get flight in the first place!:atat: :atat: :atat:

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"....Be thankful you get it in the first place..."?!?! Ummm game development isnt a favour we should be thankfull for, its there job.........if we don't think its "realistic" and that it should be changed, thats something that we SHOULD complain about, to let the developers know what we think. Sure alot of people do flame it which is wrong, but complaining is what they come here for.........

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Aircraft should not be the take all end all in this game, I dont think there is nothing wrong with it, and remember that Lucas Arts cannot change how the engine works to incorporate the new flight abilities as the engine is not theirs to play with.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Thank YOU! Im sick of people whinning. They are perfectly fine as they are (aircraft). If your so sad than wait for a mod.

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Guest ImpStarII

Unfortunatly I have to agree with you all. From what I see everything is well thought out and fair. Don't always count on the demo, wait for the real thing to come out before you complain.





From the Star Destroyer Sly


ImpStarII :vsd:



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Guest Luke Skywalker

Well, frankly I dont think they should. I mean 5 hp isnt going to make a difference at all so why have the designers go through all the trouble of changing it? Seems illogical to me.

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Guest Darth_Nixon42

It would seem that people have changed their veiws,


Aircraft is an exciting and dimension to the game, people may complain about the hp, but with a change of tacticts, and a realisation that air-craft (in my opn) are used to tackle un-prepared troops or to deal with long range siege units, i think you'll find air-craft very valuable.


Its good to see so many people acknowloging air craft as a handy tool, not a swarm, that can win a game single-handed.

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Guest DS_StarViper

no what I'm really ticked off about is hearing that at-ats cant attack air!!!!THAT F*U*C*K*I*N*G BLOWS and dont give me any of your crap about it being hard to do.DUh people this is why they make the big bucks

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I agree viper at first I said that they should have AA but I got responses like that would make them invincible ect. Remember every unit has a counter. I wonder what it is for AT-AT's

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Guest DS_StarViper

yeah but why cant at-ats attack air they kicked those snowspeeders asses in s.w.e.s.b. why not in the game it took 70 snowspeeders to take down one and it will probably only take four to take down an at-at plus what happened to the fact that the armor of the at-at cant be penatrated by snowspeeders lasers it just doesn't make sense

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Ummm Viper Game developers DON'T make big bucks.....where did you get that from? They could earn up to 30% more making applications........and it wouldn't be hard to make them attack air.......don't know wher you got that from either.........


Yeah its not "true to the movie" but this ain't the movie.......they have to worryabout balencing.....if the AT-AT could attack air it would become to powerfull.......then everyone would complain about that.........

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I have to disagree endsub, I think it would be better that way. If they were "super units" an you had a limit on the number you producce it would make for great fun. Imagine trying to take down 5 of em surrounded by sith.....:D

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Guest Luke Skywalker
Originally posted by EndSub

Ummm Viper Game developers DON'T make big bucks.....where did you get that from? They could earn up to 30% more making applications........and it wouldn't be hard to make them attack air.......don't know wher you got that from either.........


Yeah its not "true to the movie" but this ain't the movie.......they have to worryabout balencing.....if the AT-AT could attack air it would become to powerfull.......then everyone would complain about that.........


Gabers making 70 grand a year. Which is not that bad at all when you think about it.;)

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well this sure does show who's the idiot.......


once they have the "attack air craft code" they don't have to re-write it for every unit in the game (and if they do. then there doing it wrong :D;) ) so it wouldn't be hard to put it in the game (since it is already IN the game....) although you will notice that all units attacking air attack with missile things.....which would have to be changed.......


anyway, Luke, that would be quite cool.....but you get what I am driving at, teams have to be even ;)


Also I think they tried to make it that everything had a weakness, and that you would need a baleneced army to have a successfull attack. Which has more stratagey, sending as many AT-AT's into your enemy base as you can build, again...and again....'till there whiped out.....Or have to asemple a baleneced army to have any kind of effect on the enemy?


Edit: Isn't Gaber the main man behind the game though? Look at the saleries of the other programmers ;)


I don't claim to know.....Its just a generlisation, that game devs would uselly would get paid more in other areas :)

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