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Trask Dialogue Conditional Scripting


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Hey, all. I'm new to the mod scene, but I seem to be learning a few things quickly enough thanks to all of the helpful tutorials. But one thing that I can make no headway with is scripting, mostly because I know nothing about it.


Don't be elarmed, I know just enough about scripting to know that asking someone to teach me would be laughable. I'll settle for just begging for help from someone who knows what they're doing.


To the point, then, I've been working on a minor KOTORI mod. What I've done is replaced Jolee with Trask from the Endar Spire (No, I don't know why I replaced Jolee. I was always rather fond of him... I should have gone with Mission). No real problems there.


My problem is with dialog; specifically, making certain lines available at certain times. Basically, I want dialog with Trask to run as it does with other party members (say Carth, for example). I want the PC to be able to have certain conversations with Trask after the PC reaches a certain level, and then for those options to be removed from future conversations.


So...um...in summary, how would I go about doing that? I'm sure it would involve attaching a conditional script to the various dialog options, but I don't know how to write script.


If you need more info, just give me a holler.


Aaaand if this has already been asked or spoken about somewhere, just link me and yell at me to your heart's content. b ;) d

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