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«The Lost Order»


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«The Lost Order»


What we are:

The Lost Order, is a Jedi Academy clan with an organized Imperial/Sith alignment. The clan was founded by «LO»Dex«LE» on August 6th, 2009.


Recruitment Status:

«LO» is currently recruiting. If you are interested in joining please visit http://www.thelostorder.ipbfree.com


The server:

The server is newly ordered. We are still working on some things, but it is getting populated more and more each day. You can visit our server any time, it is open 24/7.

Server IP:


Server rules:

Our server rules are simple, and easy to follow. We don't have a bunch of strict rules, all we ask from our guests is to follow these few simple rules.

1. No Laming

2. No spamming

3. Padawan names are NOT aloud.

4. NO RECRUITING! - This is a BIG one. Any clan other than «LO» caught recruiting on our server will be issued an immediate ban.

4. No Sexism - Do not judge players based on their gender. Do not harass female players that come to our server, it's strictly not tolerated.

5. No Racism - Racial slurs are NOT tolerated in any way. Judging players based on their skin color/native country is strictly prohibited.


Addictional Information / Contact Information


Our website: http://www.thelostorder.ipbfree.com

You can contact any member through the forums via PM. If you have questions or concerns regarding the clan, please PM a clan member.

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