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EAW Wont run!


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I bought a French Version of EAW Gold Pack and installed it, after that it said it could run because binkw32.dll couldnt be found, so I downloaded it. It then said I was missing mss32.dll so I downloaded that aswell. After that it run for a few seconds, got to the logo then shut itself down. French games work fine on my comuputer, such as Civilization 3. Can anyone please help me?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry you had to wait so long Blaze109. Believe it or not I had the same exact problem, not with EAW, but with a different game. So I asked many people about it, and they all said the same thing. that the game wont work. You see the problem is with the "dll" at the end. it means that there is a bug in the game and that it was there when it was made. It doesn't happen very often but on the rare occasion that it does, it is not fixible. I'm very sorry my friend. My only peace of advice is to get another EAW game.

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