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PLEASE,HELP at swamp


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Hi, I really have a problem!!! On the note there stands on the left 12:55O -right 2:55O

12:55W --- 3:35N

1:45W --- 4:30W

2:00S --- 5:05O

Well, I know that the directions are different at each game, but I really don´t know where to go!!! If I go on the float, there stands 2:55, but what should I do next? Should I go to 3:35N?(I did it, but I get stucked in front of a fence and there wasn´t any 3:35 on the clock!! Please, help me if somebody knows!!! Please!!!! Thanks



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OK, I used the clock but I do not know exactly if I have to follow the instructions from the left side or the right side from the note!I´ll try it again, but I would be very pleased if you or somebody could help me!!!!!

Thanks, Elaine



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Guest grannen

You have to use the clock on the raft! Then a time will appeare on your display, compare that time with your instructions.



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen

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