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Please can someone help on this:

I can't ask Jumbeaux LeFeet about his father's hat. I've been to Jambalaya, I've talked to the tourist, I know it's missing but the option to ask Jumbeaux about the hat just doesn't come up when I go to Knuttin and talk to him. This means I can't ask the parrots about it either.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there part of the sequence I've missed?

Thanks for any replies...

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Thanks for the reply Grannen.

I've got three options at the statue: look at the statue, read the plaque or talk to the tourist. I've done all of them and still don't get the option to ask Jumbeaux about the hat.

This seems really bizarre to me cos any hint I've seen just seems to assume that once you've done the above, you can ask him about the hat but it's not working for me.

If you've any more hints (or if I'm being spectacularly stupid here :-)), I'd love to hear them.


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Guest grannen

First look at the statue and plaque before you ask questions (to the tourist).


Why not ask the tourist what he is doing?



Calvin.gifHobbes_2.gif and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited March 24, 2001).]

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