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Guest Boba Rhett

To have a custom avatar, you have to make one using any paint program you can get your hands on. The picture must be 70x70 or under and 20kb or under. Then you just go to the user cp, "top left corner", click Edit Options, scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit change avatar. You can then change the avatar it uses to the one you made.

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How to get custom avatar:



First 'click' user cp. (Top right corner on the home page of the forum.) Then in the middle of the page 'click' edit options.

Then at the bottom 'click' change avatar. At the bottom of that under custom avatar, select yes I want to use custom avatar.



Now type in the URL 'link' or address to the pic. (picture)



The picture HAS to be on the Internet!



My way to get a pic you like on the internet.

Works for AOL and IEx.


Right 'click' the pic.

'click' add to favorites.


And simpley copy and paste the Url. (address)







It is a RA2 pic. (My avatar.)


Try it. :D





:D :D

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