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The Game Is Killing Me - Need Help !!!


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I'm Stuck all over.

1. In the Swamp i meet the future me he gives me the key to the gate but i can't use it or do anything. The Game Don't Let Me to go to the inventory.

2. I put The termites in Ossey cane But when i try to follow him and i quekly get out of the store, ossey already gone and if i run to the forest he's not there too.


What do i need to do ???????

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well ofer what you need to do is as follows:-

when you put the termites on his cane walk back to his house and then tell him that he`s busted and that you`ve seen pegnoses showcase and then follow him into the forest

:-look around for a secret passage and then walk down and press the button on the edge of the table which will open a window

:-go out and dive into the deep water (if you have the schupperware from the bank window you can`t go any further.

:-to get into the bank :-use your sword with the manhole and then read the back then go to the protheses shop and ask him for a st swithensday free protheses and you`ll know what to do then use the fake skin to trampoline through the window

:-use the schupperware with a free bait from the bait shop then dive into the deep water on the island and catch a glowing fish and enter the secret cave get the screw and go to inspector canard and show him the airlooms and the screw and you`ll be off lucre island!!!!!!!!1

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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Originally posted by Heracio T. Marley:

CLues and hints <big>only<big>



You do it like this <bigbalh</big>

Any way Clues and hints only!! If he wanted a walkthrough he would go to a bloody walkthrough. If somebody got EMI and wanted to do it without a walkthrough and there stuck and they post thier problem (thismay haven't been the case)and get a walkthrough they pobably woudln't like it and he/she only wanted help not to feel angery at you.




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It won't let me through the gate either!!I'll pick the key in the inventory but it won't let use the key on the gate!!Could their be a glitch in my program or what?I can't get the hand either-I'll turn on the music box,walk over to the basket and punch the P key and he says"I don't need the whole basket,maybe just one"but he just stands there!He won't take anything and the whole time he's gabbing the music has long since stopped!!!AAAAGGGHH I'm so frustrated-I'm about to pitch this game outta the window!!!!!!!!!!!

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