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Jedi Academy weekend (Oct 16-18...)


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Hey folks, as you might have heard, I renewed my Jedi Academy, no-holds-barred high speed server known as the "Meatgrinder" for another month (until mid November).


It is hosted by EscapedTurkey, a quality provider.


If you're up for it, feel free to join me as I'll be playing it on and off over this weekend.


The IP is:


No mods required (but many Star Wars skins and models are supported).


No "honor code" just endless but kicking!


Here's a link for more info and a server tracker so you can see who is in, what map is being played, etc.



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Only trouble with joining a clan is the time factor. Since I'm a grad student I don't have a lot of time for tournaments, ladders, meetings, etc. When I game, it's on my own time, on random weekends or vacations at weird hours. But thanks for the thought!


You're welcome to use my server along with the general public.

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