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New Wookie (Need help with Dialog)


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Me, I like Wookies, I really do. But to be honest, I don't like Zaalbar, mostly because he completely refuses to have a decent conversation with me, even when he's in the best of moods. So I want to replace him with a Wookie that will be more talkative. Now, I've got the replacing part done just fine, but I'm having difficulty with the talkative bit, namely how to get my new Wookie to say what I want when I want him to.


What I want is for new dialog options to become available as you advance in level, just like with regular party members. For example, Carth reveals more of his past as you advance through the game. I want the same sort of thing with this new Wookie.


Writing the dialog is not an issue, but triggering it at the proper time is. I assume this would involve writing the proper conditional scripts, but I have absolutely no clue how to do just about anything involving scripting. What would really help if someone with some knowledge of scripting could draw up a template or something for me to follow so that I could do the scripting myself.


Now that I've thrown down the information about my problem, here's more specific information about this mod:


After you resolve the issue on Kashyyyk (it doesn't mater whether you go with the DS or LS solution, this'll happen either way), Zaalbar is told he can stay on Kashyyyk and that another Wookie has agreed to take on his life-debt. This Wookie is named Guraff. There are three main differences between Guraff and Zaalbar:


1.) Guraff is a soldier, not a scout

2.) Guraff is more talkative and has fun stuff to say

3.) Guraff is black.


I'm also working on a bit that will allow you to choose Guraff to rescue everyone on the Leviathan (since it kind of bothers me that Zaalbar is not a valid option), but that's a ways down the road.


EDIT: I've solved the problem of triggering dialog at the proper time. I decided to use the following script to make dialog options accessible as the PC levels up. (Ended up digging through newscript.nss)


}int StartingConditional() {
   return (GetHitDice(GetFirstPC()) >= 12);

This, as you can see, will (when placed at a point in the dialog) make a certain option available if the PC is level 12 or higher.


HOWEVER: I realized that this script does not eliminate previously accessed dialog options. Can anyone help me out with that?

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