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skinning help?


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I made scoundrel underwear skin for a custom female twi'lek pc to match the head. But now I cant seem to make the soldier and scout underwear skins match... I've been trying for days now. So if someone could help me with this I would verrry much appreciate it.


Thanks in advance.

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Well, if you're trying to make the skin a color like blue or red or any color, than the way to make sure you match the colors right would be to use the same tool. That would work just as long as the underwear skins were the same skin tone.


Are you attempting to change all of the underwear skins to one color? Asian, Caucasian and Black?





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I based it on a black one, but since im on a mac I cant extract the textures from the game, so I have to work with the textures I can find somewhere else, and so far all I found were yellowish recolors of the soldier and scout female..

I guess that if I could get my hands on the black textures of these skins I could make it work...


So if someone would be willing to send me these I think I can figure it out...

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