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Man this sucks

Guest TK-421

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ok. http://www.roguesquadron.net

Most of you don't go there right?

well i suggest you don't. Even if it is updated, untill Helix, mega-morta, skymaster, and all the other stupid little spammers leave.

I was trying to get 'Helix' to stop spamming......by telling him when he did......and he started flaming me. Then we both are banned for the weekend, me for flaming his sorry arse off and him for spamming his arse off , thanks to some admin who likes banning people. They really ticked me off. the mods told me to e-mail them, but there adresses were fake. pretty nice, huh.


ps: no TIE guy I stopped spamming months ago. I learned my lesson. But helix......

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Guest Rogue15

yep, they've trashed the place. daaaaaarrrrrrrrnnnnnnniiiiiittttttt.


i hope helix thinks he's banned forever and never returns.

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Guest Rogue15

ya, i'm only a mod in 1 forum. i tried to take control over the situation where the spam was taken place, and since i am not a mod in that forum, i get hauled into the private room, stripped, and beaten (j/k that didn't really happen), all the mods hang out at http://www.xwingalliance.net so i'm forced to run over there, make a new topic, and tell them. they're starting to get very mad at me for doing that, so this time i asked the mod who restored peace and order to the network to tell me what i should do. he gave me his email address so i could just email him next time anything goes wrong. for some reason all the rogues are gaining a sudden interest in the xwa.net forums...

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It's because roguesquadron.net sucks so bad.

almost all of the topics are spamming.

there are a bunch or 7-11 year olds there.

And rogue squadron was released in 1997, I believe.

It is now almost 2002.

If me and my brother leave, that site will die, no question about it.

he has over like 3000 posts I think.

I'm ticked right now so I say we let it die until Rogue Leader comes out.

This forum rules.:)

Roguesquadron.net is being ruined.:duel::slsaber::mob:

but I would still like for you guys to join and knock some sense into themtwak.gif

that is all.

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I can't blame you.

roguesquadron.net needs to get with the program.


but I still say they need you guys to knock some sense into them.

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