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can't open the gate


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Can someone tell me what to do after i've given myself back the things in the right order at the gate?I must have tried a hundred times in every which way, still nothing.Guybrush then just disappears and I have nothing left!!!!Please please help

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yeah I did and he just says:"it's locked!"And the clock gives me times I don't have any directions to.I even tried doing the mirrorimage,thinkin I was on the other side of the gate,maybe!Anyone????Help????



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Guest grannen

If your instruction doesn't have the correct time as indicated on the clock, you obviously have a problem!

Either go back to Deadeye Dave and get a new address or you have to reload the EMI and continue at Deadeye.

Others have been stuck here like you before. smile.gif



Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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Originally posted by a_three_headed_monkey:

when you saw the future you did you open the gate then or did you just leave

I got it, thanks!!!!Yippieh!because I hadn't tried opening the gate till I met the future me the second time, had I?Very silly.....

I'll probably ask u guys for help in the not too distant future....

Thanx everyone!!!!



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