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There are a lot of messages on this board with regard to problems at the swamp gate. Those people who don't have the problems are replying with good advice that does not solve the problem. For the record, there is a real bug in the game here that seems to be fairly random in effect - 1 person has trouble - the next one doesn't. The people that experience the bug won't be able to progress beyond that point in the game. I have read messages from people with Macs and PCs who have this problem. I solved it as follows: I had the problem on my home PC - I could not do anything such as talk or use inventory. All that would happen is Guybrush would repeatedly pick up and put down his pole. So, I made a save game on my home PC from the point just before the problem started up. I installed EMI on my work PC, and then installed the save game. The bug didn't occur at work. I played about a minute of the game on my work PC beyond where the problem usually occurred - no problem. I resaved, and installed the new save game on my home PC. Then I could continue to play just fine. This is not a game play issue. It is a bug. If anybody needs my save game from just after the bug, leave a message and email address on this board. Good luck.

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Well, I tried that as well, and the patch etc. etc. I think that this problem is hardware related in some way - an incompatibility with something. Thats why the same save game worked in 1 computer and not the other for me.


BTW: Grannen, are you the moderator of this board? If so I will send you my save game so that others who have the problem can get the benefit.

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Guest grannen

Originally posted by Willdabeest:

BTW: Grannen, are you the moderator of this board? If so I will send you my save game so that others who have the problem can get the benefit.


No, I'm not the moderator smile.gif

Anyway, I have several saved positions from the EMI, thanks.


One way to try before using a saved game in this case might be to restart with a saved game before Guybrush gets the instructions from Deadeye Dave and replay from there.





Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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That is a good suggestion, but didn't work for me when I tried it. I'm pretty diligent about trying a lot of things before giving up - I work in the games industry. I honestly don't think this is a gameplay issue. If it were, the same save game should not work in another computer. JMHO.

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Guest grannen

This is a problem that has been in the Tech Forum several times. Many have been stuck like this. There have been different solutions but no general answer.


One solved the problem by changing the view from Camera Related to "whatever" in the Options Menu, one by reloading, one was entangeled in a bush etc.




Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen


[This message has been edited by Grannen (edited June 29, 2001).]

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Hi I have this problem and after I applied the 2 patches for the mac and replayed the whole game upto the swamp, it still would not go ahead. Does anyone have a saved version for the mac right after the swamp problem?? I 'd really appreciate it if u can e-mail it to me..... mswedding@hotmail.com


Thanks Miz

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Interesting post...in my case only the hardware changed between failure and success. This implies that it is a hardware incompatibility - possibly with AMD CPUs and with MACs. Many developers do not test their code hardware configurations other than the vanilla Pentium 3. Somebody else on this forum that had the problem (can't recall where I read it) said they were running with a K6 (another AMD).


I don't know what you mean exactly about "entangled in a bush", but the camera view change would cause completely different game code to be exececuted including code to do with matrix projections, clipping, yadda yadda. This might change the game timing enough to continue.


I've looked quite a bit at this problem. When you go to use inventory, you briefly see the choices pop up and disppear even though no choice has been made. Thus you see Guybrush put down his pole, and then pick it up again. The code has slipped right on by the menu choice module without stopping - or possibly by automatically selecting the exit option - "I'll figure it out by myself" or whatever it is in that particluar list. So it looks like either the program is not waiting for input or it thinks it already has input and is falling through the code branch. Sounds like a classic "timing" bug to me. Either that or an uninialized register of some sort.


I still maintain that this bug is related to hardware. I wouldn't mind hearing what hardware and Operating system people that have this bug are running under. My home machine (where I had the bug): AMD 1.33 GB Thunderbird CPU, and Gforce 3 graphics card. My work machine (where it worked): Pentium 2 450 Mhz with ATI Radeon graphics card. Both machines are running Windows 98.


What about you guys? Spike?

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