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Holy Shazbut, Batman!

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Boba Rhett

******Episode Two Spoilers Ahead********












You know those flying whale creatures in gb? Well guess were they're from! That right! The planet Genosis; and they will be seen in AotC!



******End Episode Two Spoilers********



P.S. I know the name's weird but....it's 3am dangit! How can I be expected to come up with a good title? :p

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Guest crazy_dog

How do u now all this? I have a lot of Ep.2 spoilers but I can't remember seeying the whale there.


But hey, man, if this is true, who knows what other Ep.2 units there are? Thanks for the info.

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Arizona, eh. You just have to know Im Canadian because I say eh. I say it all the time its like a disorder I say it without even knowing it. :D

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