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TOR itches


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Hey there,


I've been tweaking my game in a very naive manner, to make it feel more like the up-and-coming MMO "The Old Republic". Being very inspired by the new "hope" trailer, which features the new trooper class, in some very nice clone-ish armours, i re-skinned the clone trooper mod which is readily available for KOTOR1.




I use a mac, so sadly I have no access to kotor tool, or anything else that could allow me to mod ( i have vmware to run windows, but it doesn't like many programs ).


I would love to get into reskinning objects throughout the game, to better reflect the snippets of TOR that we have seen so far, and bring bits of the experience a bit closer.


I'd love to replace all Republic Soldier uniforms, with the Soldier Clothes (that have the backpack) and reskin them with a white armoured Republic Trooper uniform as seen in TOR stuff so far. From there hopefully more materials can be changed bit by bit.

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